Graphs4Patients Mini – Symposium – Clustering, graphs and hierarchies – finding order in (un)structured data

Organizers: Ivan G. Costa, Michael Schaub and Christoph Kuppe

Location: Seminar Room, E3 Building, 3rd Floor, Informatics Department, RWTH Aachen

Date: 11/8.2023


TimeSpeakerTalk Title
14:00-14:45Leto Peel – University of MaastrichtHierarchical community detection in networks
14:45-15:30Ricardo Campello, Southern Denmark UniversityGraph Algorithms on Density-Based Models for Efficient Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Data Analysis
15:45-16:30Arthur Zimek, Southern Denmark UniversityClustering High-dimensional Data

Graphs4Patients consortia is supported by the BMBF Computational Life Science.